We recently witnessed a monumental event. The Supreme Court of the United States overturned the Roe v. Wade ruling, which in 1973 opened the country’s door wide open to abortion. There is consensus, among supporters and critics of the new sentence, that it is the greatest political triumph of the pro-life movement and, also, the most severe setback for supporters of abortion and their judicial activism.
The same day that the Court announced the ruling, there were states that announced the entry of restrictive laws – in varying degrees – to abortion. The following weeks the number grew. How many more states of the American Union will follow that path? Will they be the majority? What impact will it have on the abortion industry? What happened in the United States, does it offer a model to follow in other countries? Is that country the epicenter of a major change that will go beyond its borders?
Some analysts are already talking about something similar to a possible cascading effect. And there are those who compare the annulment of the ruling to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Are they exaggerating? To answer these questions, we have organized the next webinar of the Transatlantic Dialogues, this Tuesday, July 26.
To talk about “The Domino Effect: the local and global impact of the Roe versus Wade ruling” we have invited Amy Sinclair, member of the Iowa Senate and one of the first promoters of the fetal heartbeat law, one of the protagonists of all this process.
There will also be Margarita de la Pisa, a member of the European Parliament, who a few weeks ago courageously faced the desperate resolution approved by her peers that called for the Court’s condemnation and the inclusion of abortion in the European Union Bill of Rights. Calum Miller, a doctor, and researcher at the University of Oxford, completes the list.
Do not miss this interesting analysis.
Tuesday, July 26. Check the time of your country:
08h US-Pacific
09h US-Mountain, Guatemala
10h US-Central, Bogota, Mexico, Lima
11h US-EST, Asuncion, Santiago, Santo Domingo
12h Brasília, Buenos Aires, Montevideo
17h CET: Budapest, Madrid, Maputo, Rome
18h Kampala, Nairobi
08h US-Pacific
09h US-Mountain, Guatemala
10h US-Central, Bogota, Mexico, Lima
11h US-EST, Asuncion, Santiago, Santo Domingo
12h Brasília, Buenos Aires, Montevideo
17h CET: Budapest, Madrid, Maputo, Rome
18h Kampala, Nairobi
To participate, please contact: office@politicalnetworkforvalues.org.
Press, contact: diegohernandez@politicalnetworkforvalues.org or +55 33 9 9456 1430.