Diálogos Transatlánticos – Avances políticos en la protección de la vida humana- dos experiencias de éxito – 210528

Next webinar of Transatlantic Dialogues present two successful political experiences in the protection of human life

The Political Network for Values ​​(PNfV) will present next Friday, May 28, in its Transatlantic Dialogues webinar series two successful political initiatives in defense of human life in the period of gestation: the Heartbeat Bill that is being promoted in the United States, and the ban on abortion for malformed fetuses in Poland. At the […]

Predrag Matic, eurodiputado

The Political Network for Values denounces the radical Matiĉ Report and calls the members of the Committee to recover the core values of the European Union

Brussels | The European Parliament’s FEMM Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality is going to meet on 10-11th May this week for discussing the draft Resolution of MEP Matiĉ, which presents abortion as a “fundamental right” and calls Member States to abolish conscience clause, threatening fundamental right to life and freedom of conscience. The […]

Congreso de Honduras

Honduras’ Congress bullet-proofs the right to life and marriage with a constitutional reform

Honduras’ National Congress ratified on Thursday, January 28th, with a wide majority, a constitutional reform that bullet-proofs the right to life from the moment of conception and the institution of marriage in that country. The “shield against abortion”, as the reform initiative is called, gathered an absolute majority of 90 votes in favor -4 more […]